Basswood Decoy Duck Carving Blanks
Pewter Cast Feet with and without leg
Pewter Stick Pins and Tie Tacks
Basswood Fish Blanks
How to Order
Basswood Decoy Duck Carving Blanks
> Miniature Size Blank
Miniature Size Blank
Black Duck - MN
Blue-winged Teal - MN
Bufflehead - MN
Canada Goose - Alert - MN
Canada Goose - Preening - MN
Canvasback - MN
Goldeneye - MN
Green-winged Teal - MN
Hooded Merganser - MN
Loon - Alert - MN
Loon - Mouth Open - MN
Loon - Preening - MN
Mallard - MN
Old Squaw - MN
Pintail - MN
Redhead - MN
Red-Breasted Merganser - MN
Ring-necked Duck - MN
Ruddy Duck - Tail Down - MN
Ruddy Duck -Tail Up - MN
Scaup - MN
Shoveler - MN
Wigeon - MN
Wood Duck - MN